
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Adulthood: definition: having attained full size and strength; grown up; mature: an adult person. 

But does that make a person an adult? Nope it dosen't ! Some people can be as grown ass as 50 and still be the dumbest person around! And trust me I have come across more than a couple!!! am not saying am a gr8 adult... but I do know when to keep my mouth shut! Unless you interfere into my space ofcourse!!!!..Then yes.. all hell will break loose!!!!lolz!!!.. I have been taught to respect my elders by mom ! .. I do... but i also think.. Respect is earned by some.. and some deserve it !!! but some people clearly dont!!!!!..for those disrespectful ppl.. thumbs down.... ..... n as for me.....Deep breaths......along with...a treat....... 

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