Traffic Tickets  

Monday, January 18, 2010

I paid off my traffic ticket today ! I am $130 poorer !!! I would like 2 blame the cop who pulled me over !..but i know tis all my fault !! today.. i made a promise to myself.." I Hereby promise to use my bluetooth headset religiously"!!! .. now all i have to is keep the promise... lolz..which isn't an easy deal for me.... i don't believe in promises!!!..atleast am ticket free!

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Martin Luther King Day  

Today is Marting Luther King Day... a day dedicated to a pioneer...

..Loved... the google page:

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Adulthood: definition: having attained full size and strength; grown up; mature: an adult person. 

But does that make a person an adult? Nope it dosen't ! Some people can be as grown ass as 50 and still be the dumbest person around! And trust me I have come across more than a couple!!! am not saying am a gr8 adult... but I do know when to keep my mouth shut! Unless you interfere into my space ofcourse!!!!..Then yes.. all hell will break loose!!!!lolz!!!.. I have been taught to respect my elders by mom ! .. I do... but i also think.. Respect is earned by some.. and some deserve it !!! but some people clearly dont!!!!!..for those disrespectful ppl.. thumbs down.... ..... n as for me.....Deep breaths......along with...a treat....... 

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Monday, January 11, 2010

...2 am suffering from something called... "RMS" ..Restless mind syndrome!!! lolz....can't seem to concentrate!!..and i don't have a reason for it either... i do have a lot on my mind ! ..i would like 2 categorize it as "one of those days!"

Maybe Something fun like the Betsy Johnson dress below mite cheer me up!!! available at  for $168(originally $450)


*On a serious note: RLS is a serious condition called Restless Leg Syndrome. No Pun intended!

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Gettin' organized in 2010...  

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My perfect evenings would consist of the below:

Spa Foot Bath

..I found the spa foot bath above for the perfect price: $25 .. I also think the organizer is a perfect thingy for gettin organized sakes!.. a little pricey at $199... but hey organization isn't always cheap! both are available on:

..and this below is a fun wine holder:

Flow Wine Rack

available on on sale for $42..

a cheaper ..lesser interesting wine rack available at for 39.95 below:

..I love the piece below from for $99

Modern Mirrored Wall Art

....thats it from me for now.....nitey nite!!

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Window shopping online..  

Friday, January 8, 2010

..Am huge shopping-buff... looove 2 shop...

check out a couple of things i found interesting....

Long Sleeve Mini Circl $59..this dress i really reaaly like.. very very me...

Hex ivory Cowl Dress $49..this one's a fun dress 2!! but unfortunately sold out!! :(

Josh Brody Teal Zipper Dress ($49)...

badgley mischka Chiffon one shoulder Business $149..this is an absolutely beautiful dress..a Roman Goddess sorta ..Neicey Nash had worn something similar to this for the peoples choice awards. But mite be 2 busy looking for my taste!

Badgely Mischka Dress for $299... loove this dress.. but got sold in no time!!!.. :(

The boots below.. i would not be caught dead wearing!!!! Its like somebody killed an Ox .. let alone pay $164 for it!!!

All if the above available on

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Island Express- Kerala Cafe  

..This is one Malayalam movie am looking forward to! I had lost interest in malayalam they dont make them like they used 2 anymore!..the quality of cinema's ..OMG..and i was sick of seeing Suresh Gopi use abusive language and Dileep with the same ol' comedy... and yes the Mammotty Vs Mohanlal war... me personally still havent been able to chose between the two! I love Mohanlal's older movies but lately i have been liking mammotty movies a lot too... always thought his movies were 2 serious for my taste.. but these days... his movies are nothing but interesting...and i must say i admire the way he carries himself considering his age!

..anyways.. about Kerala Cafe... a huge star cast..2 huge 2 name... 10 directors ..10 stories.. kerala cafe linking them all..sorta like the malayalam version fo the Hindi Movie "Dus". The stories are as follows:
  • Nostalgia -Director: Padma Kumar
  • Lalitham Hiranmayam- Director: Shaji Kailas
  • Mruthunjayam- Director: Udayanthan
  • Island Express- Director: Shankar
  • Aviramam-Director: Unnikrishnan B
  • Off Season- Director: Shyamaprasad
  • Makkalkku-Director: Revathy
  • Happy Journey - Director: Anjali Menon
  • Bridge- Director: Anwar Rasheed
  • Puramkazhakal- Director: Lal Jose

..Lets hope the movies is woth my excitement!!! ;)

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Color Blind  

Thursday, January 7, 2010

There is a new trending topic on fb with people just putting up colors.. i also got a message which said"

"Some fun is going on.... just write the color of your bra in your status. Just the color, nothing else. And send this on to ONLY girls no men .... It will be neat to see if this will spread the wings of cancer awareness. It will be fun to see how long it takes before the men will wonder why all the girls have a color in their status"

.. sharing your bra color will build awareness for breast cancer?? u gotta be kidding me.... Am a big time Breast Cancer Supporter.... i seriously hope they find some sorta cure sooon and the too very very soon! ..nyways i wasnt willing to let the wold know on facebook what color my bra was.. so my status mssg was clear and simple..."am Color Blind!" But in a way.. watever raises awareness am in !

.. A website i encourage every woman and every man who has a woman in his life 2 visit is: ... The way i look at it... Every woman deserves 2 be "Breast Cancer-Free"... Kudos 2 all the women out there who survived it..and " 'n Love" to the women who need the strength to survive it !..n for those of u aren't wit us..."Angels are watchin' over you!"

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why a post called abbreviations u mite ask?

..Well ...I love 2 simply life and tlking in whatever way possible! I'll keep adding to this as and whn i discover something i use!
Think am just getting sucked in2 the whole chat lingo phase. Well here are a couple i use:

thn= Than
thr= There
tlk= talkin
U = You
Whn= When
'in- ing
r= are
nuthin' = nothing

...thts it frm me nw.....

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A Lazy Start to 2010  

... I have a really really lazy start to 2010.... i actually have a lot on my plate... not started with anything yet! the first thing i have 2 do is get my lazy ass to the gym... According to Dr. OZzzzz... building a routine is the 7th best way to live longer!!! nw thr's 1-6... which am 2 lazy 2 list! I got the cutest gift this holiday season frm my BFF (SS) ... she says keys are apparently in!! i hv no freakin idea... but i loved it so so much!! better than bags i suppose... am C-R-A-Z-Y about bags!!! So nw whr cn i find a lock.....

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Happpyy New Year!!!  

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Imagine my surprise.. when i woke up a Snowy white New Years eve!! A white Christmas followed by a white new years eve... nothing short of breathtaking!!! ..Am doing nothing 2nite.. other than watch J.Lo and Daughtry perform and the Ball drop on NBC ! And me staying in is purely by choice... i want the alone time....but atleast am spending the weekend wit my BFF!!..yippiieee..yaaayyy!!!!

anyways.. tick tock..not much time left 2 get rid of this year!!!!..and another chance to get it right!!!! Happy New Year Y'all!!!!

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

..Nearly 48 hrs...'n then another new year.....i would normally ask myself where did the past year go...but 2009 has been pretty eventful in a bad sorta way..would categorize it as a year of losses 4 me... am hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that hopefully 2010 is way waaay better than 2009... and in a way i know that nothing cud be as bad as the past yeay in my books!!! here's looking forward to new beginning and new chapters!!! Cheers ppl...Cheers to new promises, new promises... keepin promises..and most of all being true to urself !

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A Start !!  

Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 1: I have to start here goes nuthin'.. which i hope will turn in2 something someday !! The purpose of this blog: am secretly/blogly hoping that maybe thru this blog i can figure coupla things....n as for the reason behind the name of the blog.... i wud categorize myself in the "Ignorant category" choice !! ...i chose 2 be ignorant to the social norms...customs ...rituals...and live my life under my terms...on that note... am signin' off!!!!

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