Happpyy New Year!!!  

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Imagine my surprise.. when i woke up a Snowy white New Years eve!! A white Christmas followed by a white new years eve... nothing short of breathtaking!!! ..Am doing nothing 2nite.. other than watch J.Lo and Daughtry perform and the Ball drop on NBC ! And me staying in is purely by choice... i want the alone time....but atleast am spending the weekend wit my BFF!!..yippiieee..yaaayyy!!!!

anyways.. tick tock..not much time left 2 get rid of this year!!!!..and another chance to get it right!!!! Happy New Year Y'all!!!!

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

..Nearly 48 hrs...'n then another new year.....i would normally ask myself where did the past year go...but 2009 has been pretty eventful in a bad sorta way..would categorize it as a year of losses 4 me... am hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that hopefully 2010 is way waaay better than 2009... and in a way i know that nothing cud be as bad as the past yeay in my books!!! ..so here's looking forward to new beginning and new chapters!!! Cheers ppl...Cheers to new promises, new promises... keepin promises..and most of all being true to urself !

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A Start !!  

Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 1: I have to start somewhere..so here goes nuthin'.. which i hope will turn in2 something someday !! The purpose of this blog: am secretly/blogly hoping that maybe thru this blog i can figure coupla things....n as for the reason behind the name of the blog.... i wud categorize myself in the "Ignorant category"...by choice !! ...i chose 2 be ignorant to the social norms...customs ...rituals...and live my life under my terms...on that note... am signin' off!!!!

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